About 5 million people in the US receive skin cancer treatment each year. Skin cancer can be severe, expensive, and sometimes even deadly. Fortunately, skin cancer is preventable.
Ultraviolet (UV) light (from artificial sources such as sun tanning beds) is known to cause skin cancer.
Damage caused by exposure to UV rays increases with time, so sun protection should begin at a young age.
What is UV radiation?

There are forms of UV radiation. UVA rays have the longest wavelengths, followed by UVB and UVC rays, which have the shortest wavelengths. While UVA and UVB rays are transmitted through the atmosphere, all UVC and some UVB rays are absorbed by the Earth’s ozone layer.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the wavelength of light shorter than the wavelength visible to the human eye. The human eye’s response to light ranges from approximately 430 nm (violet) to 790 nm.
Ultraviolet rays are fast-moving energy. Humans are not designed to be exposed to high levels of ultraviolet radiation.
Exposure to UV rays usually leads to skin cancer, premature skin aging, wrinkles, cataracts, and other eye damage. Only 1% of solar radiation is found in the UVA band, most of which is absorbed by the Earth’s ozone layer.
Protect your family and kids from skin cancer!

Only a few severe sunburns can increase your child’s risk of skin cancer in the future. Keeping your family safe means protecting their skin with the use of proven methods at all times outdoors and even indoors.
Indoor and outdoor tanning often begins in adolescence and lasts until adulthood. It’s critical to teach your kids about the dangers of tanning. Exposure to UV rays increases over time. Every time you get a tan, you increase your risk of getting skin cancer. Dermatologists recommend using a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, which blocks 97 percent of the sun’s UVB rays.
Sun protection for employers – Take care of risks.
Laborers often spend a lot of time in the sun, so following the Dermatologists’ recommendation of 30 SPF and above is very important.
Workers who work in and around glossy surfaces, such as concrete or metal, can increase the total amount of sun exposure.
Providing and promoting sun protection for outdoor workers helps create a healthy environment. Here are some ways to mitigate and prevent Skin cancer?
Use these sun safety Recommendations:
- Provide 30+ SPF Sunscreen for outdoor workers.
- Use 100 UV blocking sunglasses
- Consider getting Window film for your office

Encourage employees to be safe in the sun and provide sun protection whenever possible. This includes wearing protective clothing, sunglasses, and hats to cover the face, ears, and behind the neck, and wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or above.
Organize rest in the shade and allow workers to re-apply sunscreen throughout the shift.
Consider modifying job sites by Increase the number of available shade, such as tents, shelters, and cooling stations. Also, consider window film, window film for indoor spaces block out UVA&B by 99.99%.
If you’re interested in Window film, RC Window films have window tint that inhibits 99% of UVA and UVB rays. Window films have added benefits such as glare reduction, privacy, and temperature control. Window film added to office and home windows blocks all harmful UV rays. Letting you focus on more critical tasks and provides comfort in knowing that your employees, kids, family, and you are protected.